Sunday 2 January 2011

my 2010, It's a history

 Another year had passed, it's been a great, exciting, sad,

death-defying year for me! I'll try to put in words that

journey I've got, well, not all of course, just a highlights

of it. Hmmm, how am I gonna start this? I don't know

 really. So, It's gonna be month by month. January,

that was an unforgettable new year I had. Me and

Paps just got home that time from working in Ireland.

And that was the first time for so many years Paps

spent new year with the family he's always been out

working abroad. It was all fun celebration for us.

February, I guess nothing much happened that

period except for the lover's day occasion which

I don't give a damn about, that part too complex to

tell so, let's leave it. Next month, preparing for work

again while trying to spend a little time with some

old friends. I haven't seen them for ages, missed

them so much and with them it was all laugh, fun,

good times though there's bad times too being with

them is just crazy fun! April, arggh! I can't recall

something happen good so, I'll fast forward the next

three months too lazy now think what had happened

that time (haha). All I can remember is that I haven't

had  made it to get back to work, the field I've worked

 for got some government issues with the employers

abroad they're sorting it out that made us on hold that

long. And I think somewhere in that months me and

my girl broke up, again that matter should be discussed

somewhere else -- it hurts though, sure for both of us,

I think. That's part of the process we can't force someone

to like or be with us they got their own reasons so, move

on, that was all about people!

Next up, I think it's august, Finally! we got our job back

me and paps again in the same job, same boat,

unfortunately (haha). Just kidding, believe me working

with Paps is such a privilege for me I dreamed about it

in my kid's day didn't expect it would all came true.

September, On the job, start again, new field of work,

new mates, new place, adjustment period really a hard

part but as you go along things will just fall to pieces.

 October, Oh I can't forget this month, never will I in my

 whole life! I had an accident while working, fell

overboard onto the sea! There was a storm that

time a really bad one we're packing up to head

home then, suddenly waves smashed the boat

I didn't able to hold on to something found

myself out of balance and there I'm gone swimming

 in a cold, stormy North Sea (that's where we fish).

Obviously, I did manage to climb back to life! just

to write this stuff. ha ha. Seriously, that was one

scary accident, I owe another life to our Saviour,

I owed to Him so much now. Made me realize how

precious life is, how I loved my family and friends

and what really it feels like when you're in the

edge of losing your life argh not a good feeling,

honestly. I thanked you so much my Lord my


I'm in tears now huhu. the following month,

well, it's my birth month. On my birthday uhm,

no fancy celebration whatsoever I'm just glad

I did able to have that special day and of

course I thanked God for that. Story goes,

work continue, And Finally, December,

what else you got in this month?  ha ha

holidays, means no work, the winter season

of course snow! and there it is Christmas,

which is kinda sad because it's my first one

spent it away from home. And yes! I'm finally

done, There's the new year celebration! ha ha

that's it, my 2010.

Saturday 1 January 2011

dear you,


can't help myself from wondering why

I reached out but got no reply

I  know you said goodbye

but do i not deserve even just a hi?

such a simple word I long

for you to utter in mine,

I am expecting a word to end this isolation

seems to you its impossible, 

restrained by your silence

smothered me into nothingness

left me no way but to cry,

broke and confused no one to turn to,

blaming oneself consumed me

giving up that my mind is saying

but something inside me says patience

for silence certainly will never be eternity.

New Year Celebration From Different Countries



Brandenburg Gate, Berlin

Hawaii, Waikiki Beach


Manila, Philippines

Look what picture they chose for my beloved country!

 what the hell! aren't they effing blind? there's thousands 

of pictures to choose from way better than this, arggggh!  

Happy New Year!