Friday 18 March 2011

Little Birdie Take Refuge

Poor little bird, exhausted and hungry take refuge on the boat. Got lost maybe from its flock or been 

battered by the bad weather all week forced to find somewhere she can rest fortunately on our boat. 

She's so tired that's why I managed to get closed up shots.   I found her sleeping on a pallet, head 

hidden on his wings. Then I came woke her up by the flash from my phone cam. Too tired too get 

away, all she could do was just posing as I starts shooting, it was fun! Some photos a bit blurry, boats 

keep on rolling. I've never seen this bird before might be some kind of an extinct bird - I don't know! 

neither its name.

Thursday 17 March 2011

Japan Tsunami: 20 Unforgettable Pictures by NATGEO

Japan's disaster images tells its tales. The immeasurable scale of 

devastation, the drama behind every survivor's agony, the

grief and loss of every family affected by it. Peace be to

them that perished.

Sendai Sunrise

people search through debris at the Sendai airport on March 14, days after an earthquake-triggered tsunami left the Japanese city in ruins

Path Through Destruction

A survivor walks his bicycle through the remains of the devastated Japanese town of Otsuchi on March 14.

Tsunami-Tossed Boat

A tsunami-tossed boat rests on top of a building amid a sea of debris in Otsuchi, Iwate Prefecture, on March 14.

Wave of Destruction

A tsunami wave crashes over a street in Miyako City, Iwate Prefecture, in northeastern Japan on March 11.

Survivor's Sorrow

A woman mourns the devastation of Natori, Miyagi Prefecture, in northern Japan on March 13.

rough week

As expected, we had a hard week recently. Fishing undermanned,

more workload have to be done and that lessen the crews rest hours.

Battered by rough weather, we're battling bad weather almost 

the whole trip which made the job more daunting. Boat rolling all

the time knocking our balance out throwing our bodies everywhere, 

which is not so good really if we're on the fish room sorting out our 

catch that includes heavy lifting baskets of fishes. Keeping balance

that state a bit difficult but at the same time a bit fun when you're

got used to it you'll just make a laugh out of it. After all that, we

managed to pull through it, we caught good amount of fishes though

some not high-valued ones but that didn't matter, a catch is a catch! 

I'm just thankful we got another safe week fishing trip.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Homesickness sets in

my family...just don't mind my eye, *wink

   With paps gone home, I'm starting to miss home and my family. I do 

missed home when paps was still here, but knowing he's there 

and working with him everyday minimizes the sickness. This is 

my first time working here without any member of the family present. 

The last time when we're in Ireland got my uncle and cousin there. 

It really helps working far from home with them. The fact that they're 

there hanging out with me when after and even during work ease 

up every worries I've got. Well, this is the career I chose should get 

use to this thing. This is just the start so at the later end I know things 

will going to be a bit lighter then just want try make myself busy 

and of course technology will help with my computer and my phone 

can keep me in touch with my family and friends back home and 

everywhere actually. I'm missing them much. Brrrrr! 

Monday 7 March 2011

♪ Crazier _ Taylor Swift

so lovely!

"I've never gone with the wind
Just let it flow
Let it take me where it wants to go
Till you open the door
There's so much more
I've never seen it before..."

Pap's gone home

boat's maintenance on the beach

Fishing will be a bit harder for us with paps absence. Going home,

He'll be attending my grandpaps' health who suffered lately a

stroke made him laden on hospital's bed. Though showing some 

progress he asked paps to go home. Grandpaps" really missing he's 

eldest son . They're not seeing each other for almost ten long 

years now paps been fishing all of his life abroad. Godspeed

to my both paps really prayed for my gran's recovery. For

us, we'll proceed what we do here, fishing!

Saturday 5 March 2011

♪ Ellie Goulding _ The Writer

Lovely song! Ellie Goulding, she has this unique

voice, sings well too. Her music sounds different

from the usual main stream pop and made videos

out of it real nice and she's darn gorgeous! I can 

watch and listen to her over and over again.

Blackie the dancing/singing cook!

Cramped up in a small place, here we do our cooking,

dining, it's a living room too, sometimes I do a bit

sleeping in here. Quite useful that is! Blackie there,

he's incharge of the kitchen, a winchman, skipper's

first mate, he's doing everything can do really very

talented lad! Cooks good foods! forget about the 

dancing though and the singing.... ha ha peace mate!