Tuesday 8 March 2011

Homesickness sets in

my family...just don't mind my eye, *wink

   With paps gone home, I'm starting to miss home and my family. I do 

missed home when paps was still here, but knowing he's there 

and working with him everyday minimizes the sickness. This is 

my first time working here without any member of the family present. 

The last time when we're in Ireland got my uncle and cousin there. 

It really helps working far from home with them. The fact that they're 

there hanging out with me when after and even during work ease 

up every worries I've got. Well, this is the career I chose should get 

use to this thing. This is just the start so at the later end I know things 

will going to be a bit lighter then just want try make myself busy 

and of course technology will help with my computer and my phone 

can keep me in touch with my family and friends back home and 

everywhere actually. I'm missing them much. Brrrrr!