Tuesday 26 April 2011

Gulls' feast

Amazing shot! Photo taken by survey man Rayner. Thanks mate, I stole your

photo (devil laugh). Gulls feeding on small fishes. They're fun to watch in flock

feeding. How they dive skillfully chasing each prey shrinking slowly down deep.

The funny noises they made, the flapping of wings, flying around following the

boat. Sometimes they can be a bit annoying if you're unlucky enough, when their

poos  landed on your very head. really ewww!  They're everywhere. Fishing just

can't be fun without them.

♪ With you _ Jonah Johnson

"There was hope, there was faith

there was truth but I just couldn't get it

now there's love in my life can't let it go

I just won't let it

change has played its part

and it's healed my wounded heart..."

Original soundtrack from this film. A hardcore drama film -yah, I know, a girly kind

of film. Wasn't really my intension to watch it, but Cameron there, I'm a fan

and was bored on watch nothing to do. so I did. It is actually a good film. Not

 so unusual story but they acted it really well. I wept out -yes I did, like a child (smiley)...

It was the background songs really made me cry in a film. Darn sad songs!

In this one, the beach scene where they played the background song  HOME by Chantal

Kreviazuk. Perfect choice for that touchy-sad scene. All the songs in this film all good!

soundtrack list here

Sunday 24 April 2011

Extreme bare hand fishing (photos)

Super skipper Sean and cookhead Blackie got two cods hooked in. 

Survey man Rayner got two too. very nice guy, a marine ecologist, he likes fish much. I like this guy 

he's interested about the Philippines, planning to visit the country sometime. and he likes adobo 

(blackie's version) which is unsurprising of course it's my country's best, everybody loves it!

Luke, another survey man -a giant one, got a couple couple. Nice lad too, because of his size he

 eats a lot. Barely left us a bit of that adobo and rice blackie cooked. They're both very nice survey

lads, glad to met them new found friends!

Me, caught the biggest one, I think. Used a bit of muscles hauling that one.

Here comes my pinoy buddy Dom got one good sized one.

Saturday 23 April 2011

Extreme bare hand fishing (videos)

Super Blackie, my workmate, the cookhead  strikes again! Fishing with

no rods, that's quite a talent. He caught fifteen cods that day

some of us had a couple some got one. We almost filled a box.

That's a world record  for no-use-rod fishing I reckon. Not our

usual way of fishing really but we had so much fun. There was perfect

weather, the sea clear as crysta clear like mirrors, had barely felt a

swell, seagulls' just swimming around peacefully, sun's shining,

a warm lovely day it was.

I'm with a Salmon!

My first time seeing this beautiful fish in person, such a lovely one!

Look at that shiny silver scales, that tender fatty meat,

 she just looks delicious. She looks like a Philippine milkfish

but I reckon this salmon can't beat our milkfish in taste

department. Bangus is the best!

Wednesday 13 April 2011

♪ Nature's Law _ Embrace

"...You should never fight your feelings

when your very bones believe them

you should never fight your feelings

you have to follow nature's law..."

Good lyrics there, simple video settings. Nice lullabi-sh tune

my kind of song where I can listen all night in a repeat mode.

My hometown

Its been ages since I left the Island badly missing it. Since then never seen it again I

just hope there's not much changes happened specially those stunning views.

If time permits I'll be glad to visit the island and of course to see my Grannies

too, missed them much. Reminiscing those times swimming all day under

that burning sun with friends, the boat ride, the cow ride, the school adventure,

the old games we played, the beach, the white sand, the bonfire and etc. a lot too

mention! just take me home! who wants to come?

My Friends! a bit my of high school

It was the most memorable part of my lifetime. I think for most of us too.

Things that happened in there and the life's lesson experiences either good 

and bad were just unforgettable. The high light of it all was the people we 

met and the relationship we build up with them, the friendship, our friends!

All founded and molded in there, bonded us together even today in our 

separate ways. 

video credits;
directed by Nhel
produced by khiddy kid
song: 'My Friends' by Red Hot Chilli Peppers

Friday 8 April 2011

Sit back! it's a week break!

Next few days gonna be easy work, cheers to that! We've been knackered

this past weeks fishing undermanned while catching more than the usual. 

Its a good thing really but we're not supermen. Crew mates started feeling

sick I'm glad me not. So Hearing from my mate Steve that skipper decided 

to have a break for this coming week lifted our spirits -a must needed rest 

for each of us! There still be some bits of works need to be done alongside.

But its nothing all gonna be nice, weather is starting to warm up feel good 

working under the sun with a bit of chilly wind breeze. Chill up days ahead!

fishermen's portrait

You're not a fisherman if you don't have a picture with your catch! Like myself and my mates, 

we all love having one specially with those unusual or rare species we caught, mostly done it 

just for fun. All photos taken in my former boat in Ardglass, Northern Ireland. I proudly the 

one took this shots. Here are the fishheads! a bit shy but proud and happy with our dear 


unknown guy with his giant lobster

 Ainoras and the monkfishes 

still Ainoras with a smiling crab

former crew mate Johnny with him medium sized halibut 

 mr. chinaman (paps) and a halibut

uncle Jezer and a lobster

Saturday 2 April 2011

Days in Grimsby

Grimsby, a seaport fifty two miles south of our base port Scarborough. We landed our catch here twice 

when we caught huge amount of cods and haddocks (main fish we caught), priced good in here. it got

wide, good, clean port. I missed this port, my favorite one. We barely land in here too far from 

Scarborough takes nine hours steaming. Economically ungood for normal amount of catch. 

frosted mist
Night sight in Grimsby port/fish market. Was taken during winter, made cam lens that frost effect. 

Paps and Dom, after catch laid on ready for auction. skipper Sean and first mate Blackie doing the

negotiation at the top end.

in morning, shiny white snow ice shows!

♪ NUMB _ Diana Vickers


I feel empty, of feeling, of feeling

even God is grieving


elevate me, I'm drowning, I'm drowning

please God I'm numb to life..."

lovely song from a lovely lady! *wink... she's a product of the

x-factor, one of the many. Just one of the finalists but managed

to come up with an album proving she's just not have that

gorgeous looks but can sing too well.

seagull postcard

I woke up one morning seeing this seagull enjoying that lovely scenery. A perfect picture! 

As my instinct told, quickly I ran for my phone hoping birdie won't fly out. fortunately she's

there, I managed to get closer took a shot before birdie flies. And there it goes,

postcard perfect!