Sunday 24 April 2011

Extreme bare hand fishing (photos)

Super skipper Sean and cookhead Blackie got two cods hooked in. 

Survey man Rayner got two too. very nice guy, a marine ecologist, he likes fish much. I like this guy 

he's interested about the Philippines, planning to visit the country sometime. and he likes adobo 

(blackie's version) which is unsurprising of course it's my country's best, everybody loves it!

Luke, another survey man -a giant one, got a couple couple. Nice lad too, because of his size he

 eats a lot. Barely left us a bit of that adobo and rice blackie cooked. They're both very nice survey

lads, glad to met them new found friends!

Me, caught the biggest one, I think. Used a bit of muscles hauling that one.

Here comes my pinoy buddy Dom got one good sized one.


mae-ann said...

c nur misuari ba yan?hehe..juk2..

Unknown said...

alin? si dom?