Wednesday 25 May 2011

Global Perspective 2011; Who Says I Can't Fish?

It's a huge issue around the fishing industry of the UK. As the fleet declines, It also affects hundreds

of Filipino fishermen in the country by losing their job, unfortunately I'm one them. I can barely find a

boat now to work with if my former bosses decide not to hire me again. Caused by both governments'

stupid actions. Discards ban, limited days of fishing, rising fuel costs and qoutas are some of the main

issues imposed by the UK government while our Philippine government, imposes an increase in wage

to all UK fishermen more than double. Without thinking what or how It'll affects to both sides during

this times of economic recession thing.

A part of his documentary by the BBC was held in that boat Emulator FR500 my former boat, I was

there during that time. There I realized how serious this issues are. The country's rich fishing heritage

is declining. A very sad thing really not only because of the possibility of losing my job but as a

fisherman myself. Taken from you the one you really love doing is the sickest thing can happen to you.

We love what we do and that's fishing!