Saturday 28 May 2011

Reminiscing the old days

One of the precious and priceless moments with friends. A sweet bonding after each one had not 

seen each other for so long. It's been a long eight years since this photo was taken. One of the sad 

part is we barely seen each other now. A lot of changes since then, many of them have their own 

family now, kids and career, while some gone overseas pursuing each life long dream. Really sad, 

but that's how the way life goes. One thing is sure though, it's going to be sweeter and crazier fun in 

the future bonding and good times with them.


Anonymous said...

one of the best bonding moments way back 2003! cheers to that!
note: it's just a bit of all the times we've been through!
-i'm starting to dig for more pixs here and celebrate our friendship!..

Unknown said...

cheers mate!!! thanks for stopping by, an honor :D just a bit of the good times together! cheers for the future together!